Pro-PASSaR - "Project - Family Planning and Support to the Health System Support for Resilience"


The objective of the module is to improve “the quality health services, including sexual and sexual and reproductive health and psychosocial support, to the population, including IDPs and the poor, as well as staff and managers of health services and administrations, regional funds and non-governmental organisations, in the target regions of Adamaoua, West, Littoral, South-West and North-West.

Output 1: The population and displaced peoples have better access to quality health services, particularly in the areas of services, particularly in the areas of sexual and reproductive health and psychosocial support.

Output 2: The capacity of medical and psychosocial teams to provide quality services is


Output 3: Strengthening Regional Funds

Output 4: Strengthening of the health information system in the area of rapid and data-driven decision making. data-driven decision making.


Psychosocial support as a cross-cutting task and local anchorage: The aim is to provide psychosocial support and to build confidence and acceptance of its necessity and usefulness among the target groups, the poor and displaced from conflict, facing loss of property and suffering multiple traumas by working closely with contracting NGOs and other relevant actors, who already provide services for the prevention and care of victims of (gender-based) violence.

Networking to increase sustainability and build capacity on the ground: building capacity locally, training trainers who can in turn transfer their knowledge. In addition, activities are planned to raise awareness of the existence and benefits of the services among the population.

Integrating digital approaches: identification of the poor and internally displaced, with OpenIMIS. It could also include the identification of individuals and target groups through mobile phones and disseminate information on available medical or psychosocial services.

Creation of an outreach service to target groups via push SMS or a voice recording campaign to inform about the new/improved services. We are already working with partner VIAMO in similar contexts elsewhere in Africa, which provides digital tools through mobile phones in areas without internet, to ensure maximum inclusion of vulnerable groups, and are aware that there is also a similar tool already available locally and developed in the context of the PASaR.

Strategy for Covid-19: provide open-source digital tools for distance learning and exchange to ensure seamless support.