Country package Burkina Faso: Improving nutrition and hygiene in the family environment in Burkina Faso - Global Programme on food and nutrition security and enhanced resilience

Partner: IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH

Detailed description of project

The food and nutrition situation of people at risk, especially women of reproductive age and children aged 6-23 months, has improved in the supported communities of the southwestern region of Burkina Faso.

The country package is part of GIZ’s Global Programme "Food and nutrition security and enhanced resilience" that is geared to the strategic objectives of the special initiative "One world - no hunger" (SEWOH) promoted by the BMZ and that makes a direct contribution towards global efforts to improve food and nutrition security, for instance by supporting governments as part of the international Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) initiative.

The project:

The activities of the project are divided into four fields of action:

  • A: Improving the seasonal availability of diversified and healthy food products
  • B: Improving knowledge about nutrition and hygiene in the family environment
  • C: Improving basic nutrition, hygiene and health services
  • D: Improving multisectoral coordination of food security and nutrition at regional level

The project pursues a multi-level and multisectoral approach.

At micro level, the project supports behaviour change in the field of nutrition and hygiene practices among the women and provides specialist knowledge in agriculture, animal husbandry, storage and processing. At the meso level, the project improves services in the areas of agriculture, processing, health and animal husbandry that are offered by state providers and NGOs. It also contributes to better multisectoral coordination in the Southwest region. At the macro level, experience is shared with state institutions, other programmes and projects and the SUN process is supported.

Type of services provided

  • Selection, mobilisation and supervision of international and national long-term and short-term experts and personnel;
  • Technical support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health and its sub-national structures at provincial and community level;
  • Implementation of activities in close collaboration with key stakeholders and partner institutions (e.g. conception, preparation and realisation of situation analysis, workshops and trainings, IEC/BCC material development and production);
  • Operational research (e.g. output assessment, qualitative study on nutritional practices and WASH), monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to enhance evidence-based strategic and operational decision-making;
  • Project administration, monitoring and supervision in line with the GIZ instruments (including local subsidy contract management);
  • Establishment and maintenance of a project office;
  • Coordination with GIZ;
  • Technical backstopping of the project/ quality assurance of deliverables;
  • Contribution to GIZ’s Knowledge management (Collating project experience and best practice examples);
  • Regular reporting to the client and partners.