Consulting Services for the Realisation of a Regional KAP Study on SRH

Country: Chad, CAR, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo

Objectives: To inform the logical framework indicators of the HIV-AIDS prevention project in Central Africa (PPSAC) and to assess behavioural changes among young people, Health Focus implemented a study on young people's knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) regarding sexual and reproductive health (SRH).

Content: Health Focus and local partner organisations conducted a survey in four countries (Chad, Republic of Congo, CAR and Cameroon)

In a first step, a literature review (including surveys conducted in recent years) was undertaken to facilitate the development of the survey instruments, and to be able to triangulate the information with subsequent data collection.

Survey instruments were developed, and data collectors trained in the four project countries; ethical approval was sought.

The study, which included a quantitative part (KAP study) as well as a qualitative part, was undertaken among adolescents (15-19 years) and young people (20-24 years) in rural and urban areas.

Themes of interest were related to adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health in particular:

  • Knowledge of HIV prevention and contraception
  • Condom use
  • Behaviour change factors
  • Source of information