Review of ECHO's approach to HIV/AIDS in Emergency and Protracted crisis operations


To strengthen ECHO's consistency and coherence in mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in its humanitarian activities through an independent review of ECHO’s approach to HIV/AIDS against its humanitarian mandate and the generation of a concept paper and operational guidelines.


Health Focus participated in the assessment of ECHO´s strategic and operational approach to HIV/AIDS, with regard to relevant and appropriate activities for ECHO to be financed in emergencies and relief situations and in the LRRD process.
The aim of the consultancy was to draw operational guidelines on mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in emergencies, protracted crisis and LRRD situations, as well as a the development of a core set of HIV/AIDS best practice guideline. The work included the identification of relevant indicators, the review of definitions surrounding HIV/AIDS epidemics and the identification of key information sources for ECHO.

  • Technical assistance and advisory services;
  • Policy studies, sector studies, technical studies;
  • Project post-evaluation;
  • Interviews with key players and stakeholders (ECHO officials, officials in other EC External Services, DG DEV and AIDCO, officials of UN organizations, officials of a NGO);
  • Drafting of a concept paper;
  • Review of definitions surrounding the HIV/AIDS pandemic;
  • Identification of benchmarks and indicators;
  • Identification of key information sources for ECHO;
  • Drafting of operational guidelines on mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in emergencies.