Evaluation of Technical Support to Global Fund Proposal Development in Round 9


Assessment of the access, quality, relevance and effectiveness of UNAIDS’ and WHO’s Technical Support (TS) in the GF proposal development phase of Round 9, specifically to identify successes, gaps and challenges in the approach taken towards support provision, as well as to review appropriateness of the support provided and to develop clear recommendation for enhanced and better targeted support in upcoming rounds


Carrying out a desk study based on a mixture of evaluative methodologies like semi-standardized questionnaires, key informant interviews and analysis of documents.

  • Mapping TS requests received to provide an overall situation assessment of TS requests at country and regional level (requestor, area of request, need based request);
  • Reviewing UNAIDS’ and WHO’s approach to providing TS and to evaluate the relevance and efficiency of the TS (targeted, quality, cost-effectiveness, coordination);
  • Identification of whether “high risk” countries that need to succeed in Round 9 have been receiving the support needed; and,
  • Overall assessment of UNAIDS’ and WHO’s TS provision in Round 9 of the Global Fund, including recommendations for future processes.
  • Production of inception report;
  • Development of questionnaires for UNAIDS Country Coordinators / WHO Country Office, Country Coordination Mechanism Secretariat / Chairperson and Regional Teams;
  • Elaboration and production of the following deliverables:

1. List of criteria to identify ‘high risk’ or ‘priority’ countries (objective 3).

2. Mapping of TS requested from applicants and provided by UNAIDS and WHO in Round 9 (objective 1).

3. In-depth evaluation through seven case studies of the UNAIDS and WHO TS provision and mechanisms used (objective 2).

4. Overall assessment of support to countries submitting Round 9 proposals and recommendations for strengthening the TS by UNAIDS and WHO in upcoming rounds.

Descriptive analysis of the organizational structures of UNAIDS and WHO at head office and regional level through personal interviews, phone- and e-mail contacts.