Capacity Strengthening of actors involved in the implementation of projects funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


Provide capacity development support for the Country Coordination Mechanism of the Comoros (CCM) and the Comorian sub-recipients (SRs) in terms of coordination, monitoring and evaluation, supervision of the implimentation of Global Fund financed projects and organisational development.

With regard to the CCM:

Training of CCM members in terms of Global Fund procedures, monitoring and evaluation as well as supervision of grant implementation. Capacity development with regard to the CCM’s permanent secretary through the introduction of effective tools in the fields of administration, communication and supervision, including grant supervision.

With regard to the 20 sub-recipients of the HIV and AIDS component:

Capacity building with regard to the subrecipients (NGOs) in terms of financial, administrative and project/programme management. Organisation of two training sessions on the requirements and procedures of the Global Fund concerning accounting management, planning and organisation of activities, monitoring and evaluation, data collection, relations with local communities, and reporting.


The Comorian CCM has been in a state of reform process in order to work consistently with the directives of the Global Fund. Although the CCM established a permanent secretary in 2009 which is in charge of all ongoing activities and overall supervision, it still faces a variety of difficulties.

Therefore, the technical assistance at hand is conceptualised in response to those recommendations elaborated by Health Focus within a situation analysis made on the Comoros in 2010. The analysis identified a number of deficiencies, inter alia in terms of the CCM’s supervision capacities, regarding the inexperience of the majority of sub-recipients, and the insufficiency of assisting and supporting the group of sub-recipients.

  • Recruitment of international experts with profound knowledge in terms of Global Fund’s procedures and functions;
  • Orientation conference;
  • Desk study;
  • Prior coordination with key persons on the Comoros;
  • Four missions to the Comoros;
  • Conception and facilitation of workshops and training sessions;
  • Meetings, discussions and regular sharing of information concerning preliminary results and mission progress with the CCM and its partners;
  • Process management;
  • Technical and financial backstopping;
  • Documentation and reporting.